Voxwave Product Overview

Voxwave is not officially endorsed by Alex Hormozi


We developed Voxwave to help companies win more business by boosting response rates through AI-driven lead generation.

Most email marketers understand that personalization is crucial for a successful cold email campaign. We wanted to take it to the next level by adding cloned voice personalization at scale.

Up until now, the only way to send personalized messages to a large audience was by using variables like {{name}} or {{company}} in text-based emails. This is what's known as a standard cold outreach email - As I'm sure you know.

However, with the advent of AI Voice Cloning technology, we can now extend this concept to voice messaging, in conjunction with email marketing.

This means that your prospects can hear a message in your voice, with their name and a personalized offer made specifically for them. It creates a highly personalized and tailored experience for the end-user.

We believe using your "voice" (generated by AI) in your email campaigns will not only result in increased response rates but also increased sales. Especially when you speak with your potential customers, they'll already be familiar with your voice, which can help establish trust.

Did you know

  • The average reply rate for cold email is approximately 5%
  • 85% of sales require 5 or more follow-ups to go through
  • Only 2% of sales go through on the first time
  • Most sales happen between the 5th and 8th follow up

What are dynamic and static messages?

A dynamic message is generated using tags such as {name} or {company}. These are used in the sameway as your mailer e.g. "Hi {name}, I saw that {company} is in need of SEO services..."

Dynamic message example:

A static message is more generic without tags, such as "Hi, my name is Oliver and I'd love to help your company with SEO." A static messages can be generated and sent to as many people as you like.

Static message example:

TIP: You can use a mix of static and dynamic messages in your email sequences. For instance, you can start with a static message and then send a follow up dynamic message only to those who clicked and listened.

Specific Use Cases

Dynamic Cold Outreach

Here you generate a dynamic voice message for each lead of your cold email outreach campaign. For example, you have 1000 leads, you write your first email as "Hi {name}, Left you a message, click to play..." Then you send it out from your mailer as usual.

Dynamic Response

Here you only send Dynamic messages as a response to your cold emails. The advantage is that you save more voice generation credits compared to Dynamic Cold Outreach. For example, you’ve sent 5k cold emails to prospects and you have 200 hundred replies. Here you set up a separate email sequence with the rule: "if reply then add to dynamic sequence". Then you simply generate a dynamic message such as:

Static Then Dynamic

This is a one-two combo. First, you do your cold outreach containing a static message and then you do a follow-up with a dynamic message.

Reactivating Leads

85% of sales require 5 or more follow-ups. Here we try and solve this problem. How many times have you spoken to some prospects who said they'd follow up but didn't? It happens all the time. Here you send simply send out dynamic messages as a follow. The best thing is they'll remember your voice making it much harder for them to say no.

The Secret Weapon - Dynamic Landing Page

When your lead clicks the play button in their email they are redirected to a dynamic landing page. Here you can use dynamic tags as well as embed your company branding and Calendly.

Multi-language Support

9 Languages Available from May 2023

Including English, Spanish, German, French, Arabic, Polish, Portuguese, Hindi and Italian

Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]

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